Shop Rubber Mulch

Color Options

Elevate your landscape with the long-lasting beauty of rubber mulch. With a diverse range of vibrant colors to choose from, rubber mulch adds a striking visual impact to any outdoor setting. Best of all, our 12-year guarantee ensures that the colors will remain vibrant and won’t fade over time, providing enduring beauty for years to come. 



How to Measure for Mulch

The easiest way to calculate the square footage
of your space is to simply break your yard into
rectangles. To calculate the square footage,
simply multiply L (length) x W (width) = SQFT
(total square feet). As an example, let’s say the
area you want to cover is 6′ by 5′. This equation
would be: 6′ (L) x 5′ (W) = 30 this equals 30
square feet.
If your yard is more complex, break it into
several rectangles:

Or you can use our Rubber Mulch Supply calculator.
Just enter the depth, width, and length of each
rectangle and instantly find out how many
pallets of rubber mulch you need. 

By breaking your yard into rectangles, you can easily determine how much you
need to order for:
• Landscaping
• Playgrounds
• Residential
• Schools
• Churches
• Day Care Centers
• Homeowners’ Associations
• Arena Footing

With a wide selection of colors available, Rubber Mulch Supply is the one stop shop for all your rubber mulch needs.
Contact Rubber Mulch Supply to place
your order today.

Quantity Sizes


Half Pallet = 25 bags (37.5 cubic feet)
Full Pallet = 50 bags (75 cubic feet)


Half Pallet = 25 bags (37.5 cubic feet)
Full Pallet = 50 bags (75 cubic feet)

Contact for pricing 801-928-9234

Rubber Mulch Area Calculator

Rubber Mulch Area Calculator

Total Cubic Feet: 0




Will Not Blow or Wash Away
12-Year Color Lock Guarantee
Will not Deteriorate
Maintenance Required



Deters Pests

Why Choose Rubber Mulch Supply?

Low heat absorption

Ideal for bare feet

Repels Bugs & weeds

Unlike other playground surface options

Wind Resistant

Stays in place against wind & water

Great for flower beds

Promotes plant growth through insulation

Certified Fall Height Protection

Safer for children if they fall

Color Guarantee

Color will not fade for at least 12 years

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